Institute of Marine Sciences at University of Chittagong (IMSCU)
Warm greetings from the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Chittagong!
It is with immense pride and joy that we announce the Golden Jubilee Celebration of our beloved institute. This milestone marks 50 glorious years of academic excellence, research achievements, and invaluable contributions to marine science and ocean research, both nationally and internationally.
We are planning the Golden Jubilee program as a grand celebration to honor our rich history, reconnect with our alumni, and inspire future generations. We are excited to bring alumni, faculty, students, and stakeholders together for this mega event, which will take place at the institute's premises on 11 January 2025.
With the help of our renowned alumni, we will organize these mega events to make them truly memorable. This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends, reminisce about your cherished memories, and witness the incredible growth and achievements of the institute. We have planned engaging sessions, cultural performances, and networking opportunities to make this celebration truly unforgettable.
As valued alumni, your presence will make this occasion even more special. Your participation will not only add to the spirit of the celebration but also inspire our current students and showcase the strength of our ever-growing community.
Please mark your calendars and join us in celebrating this golden milestone. Kindly confirm your participation by 20 December 2024 through the provided registration link or contact us at
Let us come together to celebrate our legacy, reconnect, and envision a brighter future for the Institute of Marine Sciences. We look forward to welcoming you! With warm regards,
— Professor Dr. Sheikh Aftab Uddin,
Organizing Committee for the
Golden Jubilee Celebration, and
Director, Institute of Marine Sciences,
University of Chittagong.